Thursday, 27 November 2014

Summer 997 - Campaign Progress.

The spring saw a suitably bloody start to the campaigning season:

  • Tereken took a province from Treyine without a fight, but this easy victory seems to have demoralised their warlike spirit as their National Morale went down.
  • Treyine has capitulated to the Brethren and to Mirish, possibly in order to better focus their efforts on Tereken.
  • Mirish has successfully defeated the Beastmen, and must now repel Mangu.
  • Stygustan took a beating at Hecksmouth but will continue to fight Altengard.

Ongoing Wars
Altengard invades Stygustan
Mangu invades Mirish
Tereken invades Treyine

New Wars
Brethren invade Mirish
Talomir Summer 997

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Spring 997- The Bows of Treyine

Sorry to have taken so long on this one, I have decided that going forward I will just play with what I have on hand. Every time I try to get the whole army painted before the battle I fail miserably.

 Grand Master Roderick was a young zealot with a fervor for the old glory of the order. Reactionary elements had ushered him into power and fed his delusion that the Red Sun wanted it's kingdom on Talomir.

 Lord De La Warre had defeated these fanatics before. The orders lands had been reverted to the crown. He would not truck with these upstarts, they would be defeated again.

During the pursuit none of the Brethren were lost. I suspect that the Spear of St. Lindorf was lost when Grand Master Roderick routed. The Wind Maiden was interesting but ended up not playing much of a role in the battle. I counted the air ships as 3 separate flyers for scouting, this gave Treyine a big advantage which led to them becoming the attacker.

 I feel like I have yet to use cavalry effectively. The Brethren Knights charged because of an Enemy Threat Test and then could not score a hit due to poor dice rolling. The odds did seem stacked against them from the start though.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Spring 997 - The Battle at Hecksmouth

"Oh great Pharaoh, the enemy has formed up. It looks like they will charge soon."
"Prepare the sorcerers and instruct the men to hold this hill. We shall use this terrain to our advantage while our otherworldly minions crush the enemy so that we may drive our chariots over their corpses!"

It had been a hard battle, thought General Von Rountundrount, but they had left the field victorious. Well to be accurate they had left the field fairly quickly to avoid the two battling demons.

The battle had started well with General Von Der Rountundrount holding the centre ground. The right flank, with the White Company, leading the attack and on the left the heroic Druncastein leading the way.
The Stygustani army occupies the hill in the foreground, looking like a ragtag collection of figures proxied in to roughly represent the right troop types. The light horse on the left are actually the chariots. The Altengard army looks more like it should
Then things had started going wrong the enemy seemed to have a lot of wizards and demons started appearing all over. The White company soon decided this wasn’t in their contract and together with several skirmishers left the field.
The first two of several demons appear on the left flank while the enemy light horse make a foray around the right flank to disrupt the Stygustani troops from behind
Druncastein had much more success on the left and soon was attacking the enemy flank, while the General lead his men up the hill and into the face of the Stygustan force. The battle raged on the hillside. Eventually the Stygustan resolve broke, as did the coven of wizards. This also meant the two remaining demons turned upon each other.
A demon too many? The demons became uncontrolled and suddenly found themselves closer to each other than to any enemy troops. Meanwhile on the hill attrition has taken its toll and the last of the Stygustani rout in the face of  the bloodied but unbowed remnants of the Altengard army
I definitely made a mistake in summoning too many demons. More blast spells should have been the order of the day, but I got carried away with seeing my high level spells actually working! Other than that, it was a rough battle for both of armies with many casualties on each side.

The butcher's bill
4 Stygustani archers permanently lost
1 level 2 Mage obviously dead

Stygustani morale took a hit, but they will fight on next season despite that.