Friday 20 July 2012

Spring 991 - Mirish and Lothgolin - Conclusion

Pereira slid his knife under the skin, tore off a piece and began to eat.
"Excellent this fruit, " he said. "What is it called again?
"A nectarine sir," replied the soldier. A horseman galloped up to the small group of men.
"The Elves are on the march, sir", the messenger blurted.
"Towards us or from us? Towards us? Good." Pereira wiped is hands on his thigh. "Come gentlemen, let's put an end to this exercise"

Since RRtK was released under the title Warrior Kings in 1998 I have played literally hundreds of battles and tens of campaigns. I chose to make the Mirish General an Eskelin Mercenary just to reflect that. I knew, unless the Elves could get woods, that the battle would be a forgone conclusion. As it was I refused battle twice before (page, 30) and was lucky to get this terrain, even though it was pretty good from the Elf point of view.
Having played so many battles I knew that the Elves had no answer for the skirmishers and even if they didn't shoot very well, they would still score some hits. If given the chance always try and maneuver skirmishers to a flank and never exchange with real missile troops.
And cavalry, regardless of how heavy they are is best used at the end of the game against a weakened enemy even if this means, as in this case, that your infantry gets destroyed. Why? In real life if infantry could stand their ground they would beat cavalry every time. That's why cavalry that does not rout infantry after a round of melee are forced to retire with a hit. But if you catch infantry that waiver or do not stand united you can run them down, as in real life. 
Infantry passing 1d6 on the Being Charged Test will rout if charged by mounted.

Hope this battle has helped to explain the rules and good tactics a bit better

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