Friday, 18 September 2009

Summer 988 - Cedric Spends An Uncomfortable Night

Dear Griselda,

I hope you are keeping well.

We’ve managed to avoid having any more dealings with Wizards since my last letter. Last week was quite exciting as we got to go on a big boat across the Sea of Stryfe. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, but several of the others didn’t. Herman seemed more convinced than ever, that we were going over the edge of the world. Brother Klaus again seemed upset by the food on the boat and turned a strange shade of green before being violently ill at each mealtime. Apparently there was an accident with the boat after we landed, I’ve drawn a picture. Brother Klaus tried to help put out the fire and had his beard singed.

Our quest continues and we are now in Tropilium in the town of Herculepoirotium. It’s a nice town on a bay with a large flat topped mountain behind it. I think Brother Klaus is suffering again, as I keep smelling sulphur.

We met some strange, but nice people yesterday. While out in the market, several people rode in on their ponies, all gaily decked out with ribbons. It was obvious these were important women, albeit from some barbarous tribe. As they circled around one of their horses stood on my foot. I pointed this out to the young lady on the horse and said I would speak to her father, or whoever was in charge of her, when he arrived. She said she was in charge, at which point I laughed and said, "Don’t be silly."

Well, can you believe it? She actually was in charge! In her country things really are run by the women. How strange! Fortunately I have the ability to quickly grasp a situation and calmly talk my way out of things. This is exactly what I did, as we all lay nursing bruises, in the local constabulary cells. The next day we were all released after paying a fine and Barbax Gutripper, the Hykari noblewoman I had spoken to, invited us back to her camp for a meal.

It was strange being served by men, as the women sat and ate, but when in Tropilium …, well, you know. They served a kind of drink made from fermented milk, which was more potent than I had at first thought. When I woke in the morning I found that Barbax had kindly given me her bed for the night. This was a very kind gesture, although it wasn’t very comfortable really. I felt dreadful that morning, as if I had ridden all night.

After thanking them we left to continue our search. All the others must have found comfier beds, because they all looked happier than they had for many months. They all were loath to leave the Hykari and all promised to visit soon. I’m sure you would have liked them too.

Best Regards
Brother Cedric

Cedric travelled to the border country of Treyine near the site of the battle at Snakeye Woods. While at the town of Herculepoirotium he scored a Talk the Talk encounter with a Hykar noble. He beat her by 1 success and chose the extra advancement roll because he had lost one as a result of being rendered out of the fight at the end of last year. When rolling for advancements, he gained nothing but lost 1 point of Hardiness. How did that happen? Oooerrr, is he telling Griselda the whole truth about what happened?


  1. he gained nothing but lost 1 point of Hardiness. How did that happen? Oooerrr, is he telling Griselda the whole truth about what happened?

  2. When he rolled to improve his Rep, Social Standing and Hardiness, he did not roll higher than any of the current values. For Hardiness he rolled a 1, so it went down. It must have been a very uncomfortable bed!

  3. "When I woke in the morning I found that Barbax had kindly given me her bed for the night. This was a very kind gesture, although it wasn’t very comfortable really. I felt dreadful that morning, as if I had ridden all night."

    Awesome stuff there! An overall great report.


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